Quizzing clubs and activities in schools gives students a space to expand their domain of knowledge from the conventional methods of learning and gives them an opportunity to explore new avenues to cultivate their skills.
We are happy to announce one such initiative by Manappuram Geetha Ravy School along with Q Factory!!
Manappuram Geetha Ravy school, with its vision of joy of learning, is an exemplary school in the modern education system. It provides a transformative educational experience in a technology-enabled quality learning environment which builds every child into a responsible citizen of the 21st century global community.
On the 16th of August, The Quiz man of Kerala. Snehaj Srinivas, with Q factory, will be inaugurating the Quiz club’s activities, starting with an introductory quiz to set the foundation in stone for future Quizzing events and activities.
We hope this marks the beginning of a vibrant and exciting journey ahead in vitalizing the Quizzing Culture.